Sedation is an anesthetic technique to induce calmness and a depressed level of consciousness in patients.
A large number of patients avoids dentist appointments because of fear, and one way of tackling that fear is through conscious sedation.
Sedation is achieved by injecting anesthetic drugs before and during a procedure.
The patient is awake throughout the procedure and is able to communicate with the dentist, while remaining calm and unaware of the procedure being performed and the time passing by.
Sedation is performed under the supervision of an anesthesiologist. It does not interfere with the normal functioning of the patient's heart and lungs, and drowsiness usually wears off after around 20 minutes from the end of the procedure.
The patient will remain in the Polyclinic following the procedure, and is required to be accompanied by a responsible party, who will help the patient with the trip home.
Sedation is reserved for complex and challenging procedures, especially radical and more painful procedures such as implant treatments where the patient needs to remain calm.
It is also recommended for patients who have a severe fear, even for minor dental procedures.
Conscious sedation is a completely safe procedure performed under the constant supervision of an anesthesiologist.
It allows dentists to perform procedures considerably faster, providing a quality service with minimum stress for the patient.