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Mole and other skin lesion removal

There is almost no person on Earth without some type of skin lesion. Sometimes they can add charm, but other times these aesthetically unappealing congenital or acquired growths, at times malignant, can give us a health scare because of their appearance or changing characteristics.

Throughout life, the skin and subcutaneous tissue develop different types of lesions of different size and characteristics.

These mostly include moles, skin tags, fibromas, atheromas, haemangiomas, condylomas, and skin tumours, which are usually benign or precancerous.

Treatment depends on their characteristics. Some are removed for aesthetic reasons, especially those found on the face, while others are malignant tumours that need to be completely removed through surgery to prevent regrowth. In order to minimise the appearance of scars and hyper-pigmentation, it is important that the procedure is performed by a specialist.

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The first check-up is without obligation and includes a consultation with our specialists.
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